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101 Jackson St, N.E.
2nd Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30312-1501

Join us: Stakeholders & Community Briefing Luncheon on Dec. 12th!  CLICK HERE

Our Members

Project Success is differentiated by the strength of its mentors who have had successful careers in business, law, government, academia, etc. These civic-minded men comprise the membership of 100 Black Men of Atlanta. They dedicate their time and talent to helping boys and girls break the cycle of poverty, under-achievement and violence that plague their communities and seek their highest potential.

Founding Members

Chairman's Circle

*= Deceased


  • High School Graduation Rate for Project Success Students


  • Cumulative scholarship awards to graduates


  • College bound graduates


  • Program Participants


  • Has Project Success Improved Your Child’s Performance & Attitude in School?

    87% of parents said Project Success is improving their child’s overall academic performance and attitude towards school

100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc
101 Jackson St, N.E.
2nd Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30312-1501