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101 Jackson St, N.E.
2nd Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30312-1501

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Auxiliary Organizations

Auxiliary Organizations

Mentoring is a critical component of everything we do. Guidance from mentors decreases students' chances of dropping out of school or otherwise falling off the path to college and careers. We would not have the impact at so many different age levels if it weren't for our incredible auxiliary organizations. 

  • The primary purpose of the Emerging 100® Atlanta Chapter is to provide an avenue for 100 Black Men Atlanta members to continue their one-on-one and group mentoring to young professionals after graduation from college; continuing The 100’s philosophy of Mentoring The 100Way® Across a Lifetime. The Emerging 100 of Atlanta is the official young professional auxiliary of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc. We serve as role models to the community and strive to be the premier young professionals' organization by enhancing the mentoring initiatives of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.

  • The primary purpose of the Collegiate 100® program is to provide an avenue for 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc. to continue their one-on-one and group mentoring to students as they matriculate from high school to college; thereby supporting the Mentoring The 100 Way® Across a Lifetime™ initiative. The Emerging 100 of Atlanta is the official young professional auxiliary of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc. We serve as role models to the community and strive to be the premier young professionals' organization by enhancing the mentoring initiatives of the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.

  • High School Graduation Rate for Project Success Students


  • Cumulative scholarship awards to graduates


  • College bound graduates


  • Program Participants


  • Has Project Success Improved Your Child’s Performance & Attitude in School?

    87% of parents said Project Success is improving their child’s overall academic performance and attitude towards school

101 Jackson St, N.E.
2nd Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30312-1501